
Three Steps to Get A Healthy Body


Who does not want to be healthy in this world? Everyone wants to be healthy as long as possible, it is true that sometimes people can get sick. But we have to be able to keep the healthiness properly so we do not get sick that often. It is actually easy to stay healthy as long as we are also willing to do the things that will make us healthy. Those things are quite easy to do because it is like the daily activities that we usually do. Here are the steps to keep our body healthy

1. Diet plan

Diet here means not for losing weight, it is more about controlling and planning what we are going to eat. Here are some things that you need to notice :

  • Make the right portion of eating, do not be too much and do not be too little
  • Reducing the consumption of salt because too much salt will make the body hypertension and too much fluid for the body
  • Do not eat too many oily foods, the fat that is produced by oily foods is not good for the heart and it will make you easy to get tired
  • Less consumption of junk food. Junk foods contain a little amount of nutrition but it has a lot of calories, consuming too much junk food will cause obesity, heart’s disease, high cholesterol, and causing a cancer
  • Drink enough water, two litres or eight glasses a day—but it can be adjusted based on the activities that you have done in a day

2. Exercising

Doing some exercise for at least 15 to 30 minutes a day is enough, if you do not have time per day you can do the exercise at least three times a week. It is because humans are created to be active physically. Another simple exercise that you can do in daily life is by using the stairs instead of the lift or escalator or you can go around the mall for 30 minutes while you are about to shop.

3. Hydration

Three Steps to Get A Healthy Body

Drink enough water to make the colour of the pee clean because when the colour of the pee is not clean, it means you need to drink more water. It also means that your body has enough water already. The amount of water that is needed by the body can be increased if you are doing the exercise, drink every five to eight minutes when you are doing it

Those are the steps that you can do and add into your daily life, those steps are pretty simple especially when you train yourself for 21 days to do those things because a habit can be created if you have done it for 21 times. Need to note that it is important to keep the body healthy because when we have a healthy body we will be happy to do the things that we need to do—like going to work or going to college.

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